Black Friday and Beyond
Posted in: Television, Advertising
Black Friday is changing! This year’s Black Friday, which falls on Nov. 25th, is certainly shaping up to be a big one – but if trends continue, we may be seeing a permanent shift away from the shopping chaos of years past. The number of shoppers taking part in Black Friday seems to have peaked around 2012, and has been dropping steadily since then – in fact the actual turnout has consistently fallen below projections for several years now. There are many factors at play – from Americans’ shift away from credit debt and towards savings, to the rise of Cyber Monday, to a trend towards digital goods rather than goods sold in brick-and-mortar stores.
Despite the changing demographics and methods of delivery, the holiday season as a whole – kicked off by Black Friday – keeps getting bigger and bigger. 2016 is projected to be the biggest ever, estimated at $938 million in sales – and there has been a steady increase of 2-3% nearly every year since 2005. Simply put, holiday shopping means big bucks. The fact that overall sales numbers continue to grow means that Black Friday isn’t disappearing – it’s simply spreading over the whole season.
Of course, to make big money, you have to spend big money, and for advertisers, Black Friday is second only to the Super Bowl in terms of high-profile campaigns. And just like the Super Bowl, ad agencies love to show off great music in conjunction with their best spots. Here are a few sneak peeks at this year’s Black Friday spots featuring a variety of licensed tracks.
“Santa’s Trade In”
This spot features a suave hipster Santa Claus, set to Flo Rida’s “Zillionaire”
“Get Up for Black Friday”
This energetic Wal-Mart spot features James Brown’s “Get Up Offa That Thing.”
“Snoopin’ Around”
This theatrical Old Navy spot features a library track called “Battle Plan” by Tim Tully, licensed by Crucial Music.
We at Crucial Custom wish you a happy Thanksgiving, and happy deal hunting!
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